The PBL Challenge Design Guide helps teachers identify good PBL problems and create their own PBL Challenges that align with their specific learning outcomes and assessment requirements. The guide was initially field-tested in a graduate level Technology and Engineering Education (TEE) course in PBL methods at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) during the spring of 2012. The PBL Projects team has conducted a number of professional development workshops aimed at teaching educators how to develop their own PBL Challenges. Workshops have been held at high schools, community and four-year colleges, and conference venues. For assistance using the guide (PDF) or to inquire about consulting please email
Consulting Case Study: Integrating PBL into Kennebec Valley Community College (KVCC) Energy Services and Technology (EST) Project
Partnering with the mechanical services industry and the New England Board of Higher Education, the Kennebec Valley Community College’s (KVCC) Energy Services and Technology (EST) project is focused on producing more qualified technicians to meet the growing demand from Maine-based employers who need employees that possess a combination of cross-cutting technical skills and the ability to problem-solve complex, systemic issues. KVCC received funding from the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education-funded program (NSF ATE DUE# 1204933) to develop a new associate degree program in EST. The PBL Projects team consulted with KVCC EST faculty members to assist them, using the PBL Challenge Design Guide, to create their own PBL Challenges for four new five-credit lab-based courses that are part of the new program. New Challenges were developed and continue to be implemented in the following EST courses: PBL 101 – Plumbing Fundamentals, PBL 201 – Advanced Plumbing, HAC 101 – Heating Fundamentals, and HAC 201 – Advanced Heating.