NEW FOR 2025! 30 years of optics outreach based on the PHOTON Optics Explorations has been published by SPIE Press as Exploring Light: Investigations for Optics Education, Second Edition
NEW FOR 2024! A second PBL Challenge has been developed with MIT’s Department of Material Science and Engineering- this one focusing on recycling water in a semiconductor fab. Find it in the Challenges tab.
Although the last PBL Project NSF-ATE grant has completed, we will continue to update the PBL Challenges and to post optics/photonics education and outreach resources on this site. The PHOTON-PBLProjects email listserv will continue thanks to the generosity of our hosts at the New England Board of Higher Education. Sign up to stay in touch!
This site describes a more than a quarter century of work by the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) and its partners to improve secondary and post secondary STEM education with funding from the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education program (NSF ATE). The PHOTON Projects, a series of three curriculum and professional development and laboratory improvement projects in optics and photonics, engaged middle and secondary school teachers and college and university professors across the U.S. The Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Projects have developed a collection of authentic real-world multimedia Challenges(case studies) with industry partners in the areas of optics and photonics, sustainable technologies, and advanced manufacturing and introduced them to teachers worldwide. Visit the CHALLENGES to view the existing problem-based learning curriculum.