Other resources for teaching and learning optics and photonics
The Optical Society of America (OSA) [https://www.osa.org] provides a wealth of information on current optics/photonics advances and the people who make them happen. The OSA Foundation supports outreach around the globe. Student chapters at colleges and universities receive support to aid in education and outreach activities.
Optics for Kids [https://www.optics4kids.org/home/] – A website created by OSA with many age-appropriate activities, teaching resources and career information for kids of all ages!
SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics [www.spie.org] provides outreach materials and grants to promote the teaching of optics and photonics. Student chapters at colleges and universities receive support to aid in education and outreach activities. SPIE outreach resources [http://spie.org/education/education-outreach-resources] include free posters and videos as well as information on grants and scholarships.
photonics.com [https://www.photonics.com/EDU/] includes a dictionary of photonics terms, videos, articles and links to education programs and career information
TeachingTechnicians.org [www.TeachingTechnicians.org] – A great collection of materials and resources for teachers. Contains both theoretical pedagogical materials as well as materials for in-class use.
Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You [https://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/optics/index.html]– A site focused on the science, technology
Laser Safety Rules [PDF] – A handout on laser safety rules for a middle school or high school classroom developed by Tantasqua Regional High School.
PHET interactive physics simulations [https://phet.colorado.edu/] Free simulations for math and physics. The simulations are based on education research and engage students by encouraging them to explore and discover.
Hyperphysics [http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hframe.html] This comprehensive concept map linking all areas of physics for easy exploration. The light and vision portion covers most areas in a comprehensive optics overview course.
TeachEngineering.org [www.teachengineering.org/] Searchable standards-based lessons including many in optics for K12 students.